Theosophy and Biodiversity
Theosophy teaches us to understand divine wisdom to enhance human evolution. The present trend towards progress of civilization is to move away from nature and embracing materialistic growth. Indiscriminate destruction of natural resources of planet earth is creating unsurmountable challenges of imbalance of ecosystems, climate change, disorder and pollution causing severe threat to sustain livelihoods of world habitation. Violence and selfishness spreading across at global level with increasing economic disparity and underprivilaged suffering in poverty. People in organisations and local communities starving for happiness, compassion, moral values, cooperation, peace and living in harmony. Theosophical living has wide range of ethics to offer in reducing modern ambitious, consumeristic, inhuman and unsustainable life patterns. It is strong desire and aspiration for many sensitive people for moving towards living with nature in rural areas as a viable option from the mechanical city life . Spiritual path of theosophy is in need now more than in the past to address problems of today’s dividing and confused state of world . In the name of progress, civilised human intellect is continuously trying to conquer nature for selfish material gains instead contribution to a spirit of doing larger good to society.