Project Info
Project Description
In 1985 the European School of Theosophy was organised in Germany, Hannover, Münden – 12th – 20th October
Lectures and Speakers
Hugh Gray:
Greek Philosophy; Plato and the Neo-Platonists in ref to H.P.B’s Wisdom Tradition, in particular to the ‘Secret Doctrine’.
Muriel Daw:
The Auric Egg (ref SD III 494) and The Bodhisattva of Compassion
G.A. Farthing:
Diagrams and Charts in the Secret Doctrine and E.S. Instructions
I Hoskins:
‘The Key to Theosophy’
Anneliese Stephan:
The SD and ‘Foundations of Esoteric Philosophy’ by Ianthe Hoskins