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The Mahatma Letters H.P.B.’s Teachings and the Path – Austria – 2016

Project Info

Project Description

European School of Theosophy 6th – 11th October 2016
Salzburg – Austria


  • Edward Abdill
  • Chaganti V.K. Maithreya
  • E.G.
  • Mary Abdill
  • Noeline Hart
  • Dr Sunita Maithreya


  1. The Road that Leads to the Universe – Edward Abdill
  2. HPB on Reincarnation Chaganti V.K. Maithreya
  3. The Doctrine of the Heart as seen in the Writings of HPB Chaganti V.K. Maithreya
  4. Karna as Enunciated by HPB Chaganti V.K. Maithreya
  5. Reflections on our Mortality E.G.
  6. The Magic Flute Noeline Hart
  7. Spirituality in the Comics Mary Abdill
  8. HPB the Example of a True Philantropist Dr Sunita Maithreya