Project Info
Project Description
European School of Theosophy 6th – 11th October 2016
Salzburg – Austria
- Edward Abdill
- Chaganti V.K. Maithreya
- E.G.
- Mary Abdill
- Noeline Hart
- Dr Sunita Maithreya
- The Road that Leads to the Universe – Edward Abdill
- HPB on Reincarnation Chaganti V.K. Maithreya
- The Doctrine of the Heart as seen in the Writings of HPB Chaganti V.K. Maithreya
- Karna as Enunciated by HPB Chaganti V.K. Maithreya
- Reflections on our Mortality E.G.
- The Magic Flute Noeline Hart
- Spirituality in the Comics Mary Abdill
- HPB the Example of a True Philantropist Dr Sunita Maithreya